South Sudan – Ministry of Health and WHO Undertake Resource Mapping for the Implementation of the South Sudan National Action Plan for Health Security 2020-2024

[WHO-AFRO] Juba — 30 November 2021 – To determine the pending priority activities, funding gaps and potential funding sources for the implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) 2020-2024, South Sudan’s Ministry of Health with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners have embarked on mapping of existing and potential resources in an effort to strengthen health security.
[WHO-AFRO] Juba — 30 November 2021 – To determine the pending priority activities, funding gaps and potential funding sources for the implementation of the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS) 2020-2024, South Sudan’s Ministry of Health with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners have embarked on mapping of existing and potential resources in an effort to strengthen health security.